XSL-FO block 对象
<fo:block> <!--Contents:(#PCDATA|bidi-override|character|external-graphic|instream-foreign-object|inline|inline-container|leader|page-number|page-number-citation|basic-link|multi-toggle|block|block-container|table-and-caption|table|list-block)*--> </fo:block>
属性 [A-J] | 属性 [K-Z] |
azimuth | keep-together |
background-attachment | keep-with-next |
background-color | keep-with-previous |
background-image | language |
background-repeat | last-line-end-indent |
background-position-horizontal | left |
background-position-vertical | linefeed-treatment |
border-after-color | line-height |
border-after-style | line-height-shift-adjustment |
border-after-width | line-stacking-strategy |
border-before-color | margin-bottom |
border-before-style | margin-left |
border-before-width | margin-right |
border-bottom-color | margin-top |
border-bottom-style | orphans |
border-bottom-width | padding-after |
border-end-color | padding-before |
border-end-style | padding-bottom |
border-end-width | padding-end |
border-left-color | padding-left |
border-left-style | padding-right |
border-left-width | padding-start |
border-right-color | padding-top |
border-right-style | pause-after |
border-right-width | pause-before |
border-start-color | pitch |
border-start-style | pitch-range |
border-start-width | play-during |
border-top-color | relative-position |
border-top-style | richness |
border-top-width | right |
bottom | role |
break-after | script |
break-before | source-document |
color | space-after |
country | space-before |
cue-after | span |
cue-before | speak |
elevation | speak-header |
end-indent | speak-numeral |
font-family | speak-punctuation |
font-selection-strategy | speech-rate |
font-size | start-indent |
font-size-adjust | stress |
font-stretch | text-align |
font-style | text-align-last |
font-variant | text-altitude |
font-weight | text-depth |
hyphenate | text-indent |
hyphenation-character | top |
hyphenation-keep | visibility |
hyphenation-ladder-count | voice-family |
hyphenation-push-character-count | volume |
hyphenation-remain-character-count | white-space-collapse |
id | white-space-treatment |
intrusion-displace | widows |
wrap-option |
范例 1
<fo:block border-width="1mm"> This block of output will have a one millimeter border around it. </fo:block>
范例 2
<fo:block font-size="12pt" font-family="sans-serif"> This block of output will be written in a 12pt sans-serif font. </fo:block>
范例 3
<fo:block font-size="14pt" font-family="verdana" color="red" space-before="5mm" space-after="5mm">W3CSchool</fo:block> <fo:block text-indent="5mm" font-family="verdana" font-size="12pt" space-before="5mm" space-after="5mm">At W3CSchool you will find all the Web-building tutorials youneed, from basic HTML and XHTML to advanced XML, XSL, Multimediaand WAP. </fo:block>