Opera9 对 SVG 支持情况 2
长久以来 ,Opera 对 SVG 总是提不起兴趣,不过从 Opera9 开始陆陆续续的支持了好多
不用详细的看,Opera 在中国的市场份额基本快可以忽略不计,所以你做的 SVG 大可放心在中国运行
SVG 属性支持情况
属性名 | 支持的元素 | 说明 | SVG 版本 | 是否支持 |
accent-height | font-face | 会被解析,但渲染时会忽略 | 1.1 | No |
accumulate | feImage svg g defs symbol use switch marker pattern mask filter a font glyph missing-glyph foreignObject text tspan tref textPath altGlyph clipPath |
1.1 | Yes | |
alphabetic | font-face | 会被解析,但渲染时会忽略 | 1.1 | No |
amplitude | feFuncR feFuncG feFuncB feFuncA |
1.1 | Yes | |
arabic-form | glyph | 1.1 | Yes | |
ascent | font-face | 1.1 | Yes | |
attributeType | animate set animateColor animateTransform |
1.1 | Yes | |
azimuth | feDistantLight | 1.1 | Yes | |
baseFrequency | feTurbulence | 1.1 | Yes | |
baseProfile | svg | 渲染时会忽略 | 1.1 | No |
bbox | font-face | 会被解析,但渲染时会忽略 | 1.1 | No |
bias | feConvolveMatrix | 1.1 | Yes | |
by | animate animateColor animateTransform animateMotion |
1.1 | Yes | |
calcMode | animateMotion | 1.1 | Yes | |
cap-height | font-face | 会被解析,但渲染时会忽略 | 1.1 | No |
class | all elements | 1.1 | Yes | |
clipPathUnits | clipPath | 1.1 | Yes | |
contentScriptType | svg | 1.1 | Yes | |
contentStyleType | svg | 1.1 | Yes | |
cx | circle ellipse radialGradient |
1.1 | Yes | |
cy | circle ellipse radialGradient |
1.1 | Yes | |
d | glyph missing-glyph path |
1.1 | Yes | |
descent | font-face | 1.1 | Yes | |
diffuseConstant | feDiffuseLightning | 1.1 | Yes | |
direction | feImage svg g defs symbol use switch marker pattern mask filter a font glyph missing-glyph foreignObject text tspan tref textPath altGlyph clipPath |
1.1 | Yes | |
divisor | feConvolveMatrix | 1.1 | Yes | |
dur | animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform |
1.1 | Yes | |
dx | text tspan tref altGlyph glyphRef feOffset |
1.1 | Yes | |
dy | text tspan tref altGlyph glyphRef feOffset |
1.1 | Yes | |
edgeMode | feConvolveMatrix | 1.1 | Yes | |
editable | text textArea |
1.2 | Yes | |
elevation | feDistantLight | 1.1 | Yes | |
end | animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform |
1.1 | Yes | |
exponent | feFuncR feFuncG feFuncB feFuncA |
1.1 | Yes | |
externalResourcesRequired | g defs symbol use image switch path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph marker linearGradient radialGradient pattern clipPath mask filter feImage cursor a view script animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform font foreignObject svg mpath |
1.1 | Yes | |
fill | animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform |
1.1 | Yes | |
filterRes | filter | 1.1 | Yes | |
filterUnits | filter | 1.1 | Yes | |
focusHighlight | a animation circle ellipse foreignObject g image line path polygon polyline rect svg switch text textArea tspan use video |
1.2 | Yes | |
focusable | a animation circle ellipse foreignObject g image line path polygon polyline rect svg switch text textArea tspan use video |
1.2 | Yes | |
font-family | font-face | 1.1 | Yes | |
font-size | font-face | 1.1 | Yes | |
font-stretch | font-face | 1.1 | No | |
font-style | font-face | 1.1 | Yes | |
font-variant | font-face | 1.1 | Yes | |
font-weight | font-face | 1.1 | Yes | |
format | altGlyph glyphRef |
The altGlyph and glyphRef elements are not supported | 1.1 | No |
from | animate animateColor animateTransform animateMotion |
1.1 | Yes | |
fx | radialGradient | 1.1 | Yes | |
fy | radialGradient | 1.1 | Yes | |
g1 | hkern vkern |
1.1 | Yes | |
g2 | hkern vkern |
1.1 | Yes | |
glyph-name | glyph | 1.1 | Yes | |
glyphRef | altGlyph glyphRef |
The altGlyph and glyphRef elements are not supported | 1.1 | No |
gradientTransform | radialGradient linearGradient |
1.1 | Yes | |
gradientUnits | radialGradient linearGradient |
1.1 | Yes | |
hanging | font-face | Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.1 | No |
height | svg filter feMerge feTurbulence use pattern mask rect foreignObject image |
1.1 | Yes | |
horiz-adv-x | glyph missing-glyph font |
1.1 | Yes | |
horiz-origin-x | glyph missing-glyph font |
Origin is always at (0,0) | 1.1 | No |
horiz-origin-y | glyph missing-glyph font |
Origin is always at (0,0) | 1.1 | No |
ideographic | font-face | Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.1 | No |
in | feComponentTransfer feFlood feTile feBlend feColorMatrix feComposite feConvolveMatrix feDiffuseLighting feDisplacementMap feGaussianBlur feMorphology feOffset feSpecularLighting feMergeNode |
1.1 | Yes | |
in2 | feBlend feComposite feDisplacementMap |
1.1 | Yes | |
initialVisibility | video animation |
Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.2 | No |
intercept | feFuncR feFuncG feFuncB feFuncA |
1.1 | Yes | |
k | hkern vkern |
1.1 | Yes | |
k1 | feComposite | 1.1 | Yes | |
k2 | feComposite | 1.1 | Yes | |
k3 | feComposite | 1.1 | Yes | |
k4 | feComposite | 1.1 | Yes | |
kernelMatrix | feConvolveMatrix | 1.1 | Yes | |
kernelUnitLength | feConvolveMatrix feDiffuseLighting feSpecularLighting |
1.1 | Yes | |
keyPoints | animateMotion | 1.1 | Yes | |
keySplines | animate animateColor animateTransform animateMotion |
1.1 | Yes | |
keyTimes | animate animateColor animateTransform animateMotion |
1.1 | Yes | |
lang | glyph | Language information not used when selecting glyphs. | 1.1 | No |
lengthAdjust | textPath text tspan tref |
1.1 | Yes | |
limitingConeAngle | feSpotLight | 1.1 | Yes | |
local | color-profile | 1.1 | No | |
markerHeight | marker | 1.1 | Yes | |
markerUnits | marker | 1.1 | Yes | |
markerWidth | marker | 1.1 | Yes | |
maskContentUnits | mask | 1.1 | Yes | |
maskUnits | mask | 1.1 | Yes | |
mathematical | font-face | Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.1 | No |
max | animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform |
1.1 | Yes | |
media | style | 1.1 | No | |
method | textPath | 1.1 | Yes | |
min | animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform |
1.1 | Yes | |
mode | feBlend | 1.1 | Yes | |
name | color-profile | 1.1 | No | |
nav-down | a animation circle ellipse foreignObject g image line path polygon polyline rect svg switch text textArea tspan use video |
1.2 | Yes | |
nav-down-left | a animation circle ellipse foreignObject g image line path polygon polyline rect svg switch text textArea tspan use video |
1.2 | Yes | |
nav-down-right | a animation circle ellipse foreignObject g image line path polygon polyline rect svg switch text textArea tspan use video |
1.2 | Yes | |
nav-left | a animation circle ellipse foreignObject g image line path polygon polyline rect svg switch text textArea tspan use video |
1.2 | Yes | |
nav-next | a animation circle ellipse foreignObject g image line path polygon polyline rect svg switch text textArea tspan use video |
1.2 | Yes | |
nav-prev | a animation circle ellipse foreignObject g image line path polygon polyline rect svg switch text textArea tspan use video |
1.2 | Yes | |
nav-right | a animation circle ellipse foreignObject g image line path polygon polyline rect svg switch text textArea tspan use video |
1.2 | Yes | |
nav-up | a animation circle ellipse foreignObject g image line path polygon polyline rect svg switch text textArea tspan use video |
1.2 | Yes | |
nav-up-left | a animation circle ellipse foreignObject g image line path polygon polyline rect svg switch text textArea tspan use video |
1.2 | Yes | |
nav-up-right | a animation circle ellipse foreignObject g image line path polygon polyline rect svg switch text textArea tspan use video |
1.2 | Yes | |
numOctaves | feTurbulence | 1.1 | Yes | |
offset | stop feFuncR feFuncG feFuncB feFuncA |
1.1 | Yes | |
onabort | svg | 1.1 | Yes | |
onactivate | g defs symbol switch svg use image path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph a foreignObject |
The event listener is registered but currently the event itself is never dispatched in Opera. |
1.1 | Yes |
onbegin | animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform |
1.1 | Yes | |
onclick | g defs symbol switch svg use image path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph a foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
onend | animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform |
1.1 | Yes | |
onerror | animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform |
1.1 | Yes | |
onfocusin | g defs symbol switch svg use image path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph a foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
onfocusout | g defs symbol switch svg use image path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph a foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
onload | g defs symbol switch svg use image path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph a foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
onmousedown | g defs symbol switch svg use image path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph a foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
onmousemove | g defs symbol switch svg use image path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph a foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
onmouseout | g defs symbol switch svg use image path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph a foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
onmouseover | g defs symbol switch svg use image path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph a foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
onmouseup | g defs symbol switch svg use image path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph a foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
onrepeat | animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform |
Some events may be dropped if there's not enough time to handle them for example when the duration of an animation is shorter than the time it takes to render the svg. |
1.1 | Yes |
onresize | svg | 1.1 | Yes | |
onscroll | svg | 1.1 | Yes | |
onunload | svg | The event listener is registered but currently the event itself is never dispatched in Opera. |
1.1 | Yes |
onzoom | svg | 1.1 | Yes | |
operator | feMorphology feComposite |
1.1 | Yes | |
order | feConvolveMatrix | 1.1 | Yes | |
orient | marker | 1.1 | Yes | |
orientation | glyph | 1.1 | No | |
overline-position | font-face | 1.1 | Yes | |
overline-thickness | font-face | 1.1 | Yes | |
panose-1 | font-face | Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.1 | No |
path | animateMotion | 1.1 | Yes | |
pathLength | path | 1.1 | Yes | |
patternContentUnits | pattern | 1.1 | Yes | |
patternTransform | pattern | 1.1 | Yes | |
patternUnits | pattern | 1.1 | Yes | |
points | polyline polygon |
1.1 | Yes | |
pointsAtX | feSpotLight | 1.1 | Yes | |
pointsAtY | feSpotLight | 1.1 | Yes | |
pointsAtZ | feSpotLight | 1.1 | Yes | |
preserveAlpha | feConvolveMatrix | 1.1 | Yes | |
preserveAspectRatio | svg symbol image marker pattern view |
1.1 | Yes | |
primitiveUnits | filter | 1.1 | Yes | |
r | radialGradient circle |
1.1 | Yes | |
radius | feMorphology | 1.1 | Yes | |
refX | marker | 1.1 | Yes | |
refY | marker | 1.1 | Yes | |
rendering-intent | color-profile | 1.1 | No | |
repeatCount | animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform |
1.1 | Yes | |
repeatDur | animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform |
1.1 | Yes | |
requiredExtensions | svg g defs use image switch path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph pattern clipPath mask cursor a animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
requiredFeatures | svg g defs use image switch path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph pattern clipPath mask cursor a animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
requiredFonts | a animate animateColor animateMotion animateTransform animation audio circle discard ellipse foreignObject g image line path polygon polyline rect set switch text textArea tspan use video |
1.2 | Yes | |
requiredFormats | a animate animateColor animateMotion animateTransform animation audio circle discard ellipse foreignObject g image line path polygon polyline rect set switch text textArea tspan use video |
1.2 | Yes | |
restart | animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform |
1.1 | Yes | |
result | feMerge feTurbulence |
1.1 | Yes | |
rotate | animateMotion text tspan tref altGlyph |
1.1 | Yes | |
rx | rect ellipse |
1.1 | Yes | |
ry | rect ellipse |
1.1 | Yes | |
scale | feDisplacementMap | 1.1 | Yes | |
seed | feTurbulence | 1.1 | Yes | |
slope | feFuncR feFuncG feFuncB feFuncA |
1.1 | Yes | |
slope | font-face | Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.1 | No |
snapshotTime | svg | Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.2 | No |
spacing | textPath | 1.1 | No | |
specularConstant | feSpecularLighting | 1.1 | Yes | |
specularConstant | feSpecularLighting | 1.1 | Yes | |
specularExponent | feSpecularLighting feSpotLight |
1.1 | Yes | |
spreadMethod | linearGradient radialGradient |
1.1 | Yes | |
startOffset | textPath | 1.1 | Yes | |
stdDeviation | feGaussianBlur | 1.1 | Yes | |
stemh | font-face | Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.1 | No |
stemv | font-face | Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.1 | No |
stitchTiles | feTurbulence | 1.1 | Yes | |
strikethrough-position | font-face | 1.1 | Yes | |
strikethrough-thickness | font-face | 1.1 | Yes | |
style | svg g defs desc title symbol use image switch path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph glyphRef marker linearGradient radialGradient stop pattern clipPath mask filter feImage a font glyph missing-glyph foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
surfaceScale | feDiffuseLighting feSpecularLighting |
1.1 | Yes | |
syncBehavior | audio video animation |
Parsing only. | 1.2 | No |
syncBehaviorDefault | audio video animation |
Parsing only. | 1.2 | No |
syncMaster | audio video animation |
1.2 | No | |
syncTolerance | audio video animation |
1.2 | No | |
syncToleranceDefault | audio video animation |
1.2 | No | |
systemLanguage | svg g defs use image switch path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph pattern clipPath mask cursor a animate set animateMotion animateColor animateTransform foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
tableValues | feFuncR feFuncG feFuncB feFuncA |
1.1 | Yes | |
target | a | 1.1 | Yes | |
targetX | feConvolveMatrix | 1.1 | Yes | |
targetY | feConvolveMatrix | 1.1 | Yes | |
textLength | text tspan tref textPath |
1.1 | Yes | |
title | style | 1.1 | No | |
to | animate animateColor animateTransform animateMotion set |
1.1 | Yes | |
transform | g defs use image switch path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text clipPath a foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
type | feTurbulence feColorMatrix feFuncR feFuncG feFuncB feFuncA animateTransform script style handler |
1.1 | Yes | |
u1 | hkern vkern |
1.1 | No | |
u2 | hkern vkern |
1.1 | No | |
underline-position | font-face | 1.1 | Yes | |
underline-thickness | font-face | 1.1 | Yes | |
unicode | glyph | 1.1 | Yes | |
unicode-range | font-face | Font selection based on presence of glyphs in unicode blocks. | 1.1 | No |
units-per-em | font-face | 1.1 | Yes | |
v-alphabetic | font-face | Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.1 | No |
v-hanging | font-face | Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.1 | No |
v-ideographic | font-face | Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.1 | No |
v-mathematical | font-face | Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.1 | No |
values | animate animateColor animateTransform animateMotion feColorMatrix |
1.1 | Yes | |
version | svg | Always uses the same interpretation of the SVG. | 1.1 | No |
vert-adv-y | font glyph missing-glyph |
1.1 | Yes | |
vert-origin-x | font glyph missing-glyph |
Origin is always (0,0). | 1.1 | No |
vert-origin-y | font glyph missing-glyph |
Origin is always (0,0). | 1.1 | No |
viewBox | svg symbol marker pattern view |
1.1 | Yes | |
viewTarget | view | 1.1 | No | |
width | svg use pattern mask filter feMerge feTurbulence |
1.1 | Yes | |
widths | font-face | Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.1 | No |
x | glyphRef fePointLight feSpotLight text tspan tref altGlyph svg use image rect pattern mask filter feMerge feTurbulence cursor foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
x-height | font-face | Not used in rendering but checked during parsing. | 1.1 | No |
x1 | line linearGradient |
1.1 | Yes | |
x2 | line linearGradient |
1.1 | Yes | |
xChannelSelector | feDisplacementMap | 1.1 | Yes | |
xlink:actuate | tref textPath altGlyph glyphRef color-profile linearGradient radialGradient pattern filter cursor script mpath font-face-uri definition-src use image feImage a |
1.1 | No | |
xlink:arcrole | tref textPath altGlyph glyphRef color-profile linearGradient radialGradient pattern filter cursor script mpath font-face-uri definition-src use image feImage a |
1.1 | No | |
xlink:href | glyphRef color-profile linearGradient radialGradient pattern filter script animElementAttrs altGlyph use image tref textPath feImage cursor a mpath font-face-uri definition-src |
1.1 | Yes | |
xlink:role | tref textPath altGlyph glyphRef color-profile linearGradient radialGradient pattern filter cursor script mpath font-face-uri definition-src use image feImage a |
1.1 | No | |
xlink:show | tref textPath altGlyph glyphRef color-profile linearGradient radialGradient pattern filter cursor script mpath font-face-uri definition-src use image feImage a |
1.1 | Yes | |
xlink:title | tref textPath altGlyph glyphRef color-profile linearGradient radialGradient pattern filter cursor script mpath font-face-uri definition-src use image feImage a |
1.1 | Yes | |
xlink:type | tref textPath altGlyph glyphRef color-profile linearGradient radialGradient pattern filter cursor script mpath font-face-uri definition-src use image feImage a |
1.1 | No | |
xml:base | altGlyphDef altGlyphItem font-face-src metadata svg g defs desc title symbol use image switch style path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph glyphRef marker color-profile linearGradient radialGradient stop pattern clipPath mask filter feDistantLight fePointLight feSpotLight feBlend feColorMatrix feComponentTransfer feFuncR feFuncG feFuncB feFuncA feComposite feConvolveMatrix feDiffuseLighting feDisplacementMap feFlood feGaussianBlur feImage feMerge feMergeNode feMorphology feOffset feSpecularLighting feTile feTurbulence cursor a view script animate set animateMotion mpath animateColor animateTransform font glyph missing-glyph hkern vkern font-face font-face-uri font-face-format font-face-name definition-src foreignObject |
1.1 | Yes | |
xml:space | svg g defs desc title symbol use image switch path rect circle ellipse line polyline polygon text tspan tref textPath altGlyph marker pattern clipPath mask filter feImage a foreignObject style |
1.1 | Yes | |
xmlns | svg | 1.1 | Yes | |
xmlns:xlink | a | 1.1 | Yes | |
y | svg use image rect pattern mask filter feMerge feTurbulence foreignObject cursor text tspan tref altGlyph glyphRef fePointLight feSpotLight |
1.1 | Yes | |
y1 | line linearGradient |
1.1 | Yes | |
y2 | line linearGradient |
1.1 | Yes | |
yChannelSelector | feDisplacementMap | 1.1 | Yes | |
z | feSpotLight fePointLight |
1.1 | Yes | |
zoomAndPan | svg view |
1.1 | Yes |